resources for surviving extreme heat

resources for surviving extreme heat

Heat domes and heat waves are all over the news — and as I write this, you’re probably sharing the experience. For the last several years I’ve been creating and gathering resources about surviving (if not beating the heat) and wanted to put them all into...
which foods harm your thyroid?

which foods harm your thyroid?

Has your doctor told you that certain foods may impair your thyroid function? Are you unsure which foods those are? Many of my patients run into the same problem, and so I’ve created a resource for them and for you. what’s a goitrogen? Goitrogens are...
does summer make you SAD?

does summer make you SAD?

Most people understand SAD as a depression response to the short, dark days of winter. And indeed, that is the most common form.

But summer SAD is also truly a thing: hot days, unrelenting brightness that makes you think you have to be cheery and energetic, wildfire smoke in certain parts of the country — all of these contribute to seasonal depression in the summer.

Here’s one simple way to beat it.