change your mind, change your life

Do you ever find your thoughts getting in the way of your life? That ideas you have about how things should be prevent you from doing the things you know you want or need to do? Have you ever thought that if you could just change your mind you could change your life?

In this video, one patient describes his experience:



Of all the treatments I’ve used in my medical practice, the most magic I’ve seen comes from using flower essences to address exactly this. Created using a simple infusing and dilution technique, these drops can create almost seamless changes to further your healing. A successful prescription often feels like an invisible return to functionality — so much so that many people forget what their original issue was.

One of my earliest patients was a busy entrepreneur whose anxiety sometimes prevented him from working. When we checked in after several months, he didn’t mention it. So I asked. It had literally evaporated to the point where he’d forgotten about it.

My patients use flower essences to ease lifestyle changes, stop nightmares, stay strong in the face of stress, maintain healthy emotional boundaries, let go of ideas that impede them, and release negative emotions that hinder their health. (Read another patient’s story here.)

Essences work in tandem with other aspects of your treatment plan, ranging from food choices to therapy to medications — and makes those efforts even more effective.

How can changing your mind change your life? Click the button below to schedule your first appointment.





Another patient describes her experience.
What are flower essences?
More patient testimonials.
Dr. Orna’s upcoming classes on essences and more.