“I feel so great!!” — Micah
“Dr. Orna Izakson has been a wonderful resource for assistance with my overall health and wellbeing, specifically using herbal remedies and flower essences for anxiety, insomnia, and general life-stress. She is not only incredibly knowledgeable, but also kind and generous with her time and expertise. I highly recommend her services!” — Sarah, 52
“I came to see Dr. Izakson three years ago at one of the lowest points, health-wise, in my life. I had seen a number of specialists and no one knew what was actually going on with me, but they were all perfectly willing to put me on medications with very undesirable side effects. That was not okay with me and it was very disconcerting that none of my other physicians seemed concerned about the cause of my health problems. Dr. Izakson cared and she was concerned. That alone was a huge comfort to me. Over the past three years she has dug deep to find out the root of my symptoms and has made a plan for me that manages my condition without use of drugs with dangerous side effects. Her suggestions have improved my overall health, not just put a band-aid on one single problem. I am forever grateful. If you decide to go to Celilo Natural Health Center, you can expect to be listened to; your opinion will be valued. In addition, Dr. Izakson is wicked smart.” — Tonia
“I saw Dr. Orna for a flower-essence consultation and was impressed by what a great experience this was. Most notably, her skill in concise and intuitive questioning got us to a point of identifying deeper aspects of emotional blocks and dysfunctional patterns that I didn’t realize could be related to the issues for which I initially came to consult. Her expertise with flower essence therapy is very evident. I highly recommend her for this service!” — Laurie, 48, she/her
“As my gut health is improving, I feel access to a broader range of emotions. I think my body is beginning to feel safe to access happiness, sadness, anger, and a whole spectrum of other emotions, instead of being in fight or flight all the time.” — Virginia, 28, she/her
“My personal testimonial: I drive from Corvallis to Portland to see Orna. Gladly, and in the rain.” — Alison
“I came expecting to get something for my body aches, not do something about them. I was already fit and active. Modifying my diet and exercise made no sense to me, but that’s what Dr. Orna prescribed. When I finally surrendered and did the drill, my aches vanished along with 21 pounds! I’ve chosen to continue seeing Dr. Orna monthly and now I say, ‘Yes Ma’am’ to her advice. Because it works.” — Kelly, 60, he/him
“Working with Dr. Orna has been a unique and life-changing experience. I’ve felt seen for exactly who I am, exactly how I am in the present moment, and cared for as the individual I am rather than a diagnosis or condition I have carried with me throughout my medical history. My mode of operation unpredictably bounces back and forth between very cerebral and extremely creative, and the overwhelm brought on by the demands of other physicians’ treatment plans made me feel paralyzed. Dr. Orna is different. She understands how people with my kind of mind operate and works with me rather than talking at me. She picks up on details I feel other providers miss, yet never loses sight of the big picture or allows me to get lost in my own experience. In that way, I feel like she is a really, really knowledgable guide — she’s always teaching me something. Whether it’s an herb I can make tea from or how to cook to maintain nutritional value or maintain clean air in my home, she shares the knowledge and helps me put it to use in a way that makes sense for me. My life still may have a lot of unpredictability, but I feel more capable and resilient now than I have in a very long time, and so much of that is thanks to Dr. Orna.” — GM, 30, she/her
“As an entrepreneur with a busy lifestyle, health concerns are rarely addressed as part of my strategic plan. As an entrepreneur, my stubbornness is a challenge for anyone at the best of times. Dr. Orna has worked with me at my pace, within my lifestyle conditions in providing the health coaching that will allow me to grow my business and, more important, enjoy all that life has to offer. She is a valued member of my success team.” — Andy, he/him