As baby boomers age, and Alzheimer's and dementia become more common, there's a growing body of research focusing on strategies to maintain memories and cognitive function. Doing regular crossword puzzles helps. Speaking at least two languages makes a difference. And...
Celilo Health Category Archive: mood cures
green and blue to beat the blues
Depression and feel like an enormous dark hole, and climbing out can seem to require impossible effort. But researchers in the UK analyzing the results of 10 studies (with 1,250 participants) found that relief can take as little as five minutes when surrounded by...
placebo blues
There’s big money in medications for depression, and drugs such as Prozac and Wellbutrin help many people who take them. But a growing body of research finds people getting sugar pills instead of meds also feel better — making some researchers wonder if the drugs are...
fish as brain food
You've always heard that fish is brain food. Now, a growing body of research is supporting that contention. One study published in the February 2010 edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry found that fish-oil supplements high in omega-3 fatty acids warded off...
six great reasons to start gardening
My favorite seed catalog came in today’s mail. What's new for 2010: organic Floriani red flint corn, green meat radish, Bolivian rainbow pepper, purple pac choy, ruby streaks mustard. This is why I started gardening – I was awed by the incredible diversity of life I...