exercise. the best medicine. (podcast!)
Growing up, I was a kid who hid in the back corner during gym — because dodgeballs are hard and...

three great books for healthy holidays
Books are great wintertime presents. Try these three healthy book recommendations for the reader, the eater and the nature-needer on your holiday gift list.

my top prescription for seasonal affective disorder
How do you stay sane during Cascadia's dark, wet winters? When I first moved here, I got...

healthy presents for the holidays
Stumped about what to get friends and family for special occasions? Want to help them get and stay...

herbal drinking vinegars for digestion + joy
In this video you’ll see me make a drinking vinegar, commonly known as a “shrub” or technically an acetracta (vinegar extraction.) These are tasty ways to get the medicinal benefits of herbs in a palatable package.

the forgotten garden flavor
How often do you think of lavender as a flavor? It’s been largely forgotten, but it offers important healing benefits for gut and mental health.

change your mind, change your life
Have you ever thought that if you could just change your mind you could change your life? My patients see those changes quickly with flower essences.

zebrafish and brain repair
Zebrafish need sleep to repair their nervous systems. So do you.

rites of spring: rose petal honey
It’s full-bloom time here in the City of Roses. Which means I’m munching on flowers. Did you know...

the happy medicine of spring violets
Every year there’s one particular plant that grabs my attention and won’t let go. I’ll start...

the sun is more than a vitamin
In the same way whole foods are a better source of nutrients than a multivitamin, there are things the sun can do that a supplement cannot. When it comes to health, Nature almost always does it better.

herbal steams for respiratory health
If you’ve watched my herbal origin story video, you know that thyme is one of my secret weapons...

bye bye, joint pain
I talk a lot about food being the first and most fundamental medicine. You know that vegetables...

do you know how to eat?
Portlanders are a pretty food-savvy bunch. We know what to ask about the provenance of our...

how to beat the holiday blues
It’s the “most wonderful time of the year” — and depression is rampant. Between the darkness (if...

An easy way to eat more veggies
Wednesday is veggie box day at my house, and it's been really helping me up my personal food game....

the third level of healthcare
You've been to your primary-care doctor. You've been to a specialist. Maybe you've even been to...

the three keys to optimal health
At its root, health really isn't that complicated. Getting and staying health comes down to three...